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Revision 1.5.0 of S2OPC is available

S2OPC revision 1.5.0

Features April 2024

The latest release, revision 1.5.0, introduces several enhancements to S2OPC, including:

  • Client/Server PKI: certificate and key runtime update capabilities.
  • New client wrapper API.
  • PubSub JSON encoding.
  • Add DataTypeDefinition attribute for user type definition.
  • SKS sample for PubSub.
  • FileTransfer Server sample.

These new functionalities bolster S2OPC’s cybersecurity capabilities and enable deployment for additional use cases such as Cloud connectivity, while enhancing user experience through a simplified API.

For more details, refer to the full release note at

Systerel has been developing S2OPC since 2016 – the Safe & Secure OPC UA stack available under the Apache 2.0 open-source license.

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